Make Getting Dressed Fun
How To Organize Your Closet
Get Dressed - Don't Get Stressed
Do you find yourself scrambling every morning wondering what to wear?
Simplify your wardrobe to look and feel great
Learn how to organize your closet so it will stay organized
Learn how to figure out what to keep and what to donate
Get your closet organized so you can find things quickly, gain visibility to your wardrobe, and organize your laundry room to make the process even more streamlined.
Be realistic and honest with yourself
Avoid keeping things that are too small or too large, things that are out of style, unflattering fit, style or color.
SME will empower you to achieve a look that will bring personal confidence and take the guess work out of getting dressed in the morning.
Organization gives you peace of mind.
Organization makes you feel powerful, confident and in control.
KEEP. Clothing, shoes and accessories that fit and flatter
TRASH. Torn or stained items that are unwearable
DONATIONS. For charity
GIVE TO FRIENDS. Items you would like someone special to have
ALTERATIONS or REPAIRS. Items that can be worn again with a little help
CONSIGNMENT. Items you would like to sell instead of donate
SEASONAL. Items that need to be stores for another season
ELSEWHERE. Unrelated items that belong somewhere else and need to be put away
Sort the clothing you are keeping by season
Then sort by TYPE
USAGE DETERMINES STORAGE. Prioritize place ant of your items by the frequency of their use. If you use it more often, make it more accessible.
Consider purchasing new hangers
Create a place to keep empty hangers together so you can find them easily
Reclaim your space in your closet
Value your prime real estate
Save stellar spots for items you need and use frequently
Take a lifestyle reality check
Sometimes we try to live the life we want rather than the life we have
Create good karma
Re energize yourself and your space
Regain control in your closet
ROI. Return on your Investment of time, money, and energy
Back to basics
Keep it simple
Lighten your load
Let things go
Let your life back in
Create breathing room
Let things go
Pitch and throw
Lighten up your load
And move down a different road
Love and use the things you own
Make breathing space for you alone
By Sandra M Einstein
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