Recycle Repurpose Reuse Your Clothes Your Goods

Reorganize your clothing storage to simplify daily routines.

Empty closet shelves, drawers that are holding your wardrobe.

Americans throw out an average of 65 pounds of textiles a year.

You can receive an income tax deduction for your donated clothing & goods.

Vietnam Veterans of America will pick up your donations at your home with an easy online scheduling at

Salvation Army will pick up. Call 800.728.7825 to schedule a free pick up.

Dress for Success at targets clothing and career development assistance to disadvantaged women.

Nike will take donated athletic footwear through Nike’s Reuse-A-Shoe program. Old sneakers go into a grinder, with the resulting shredded material used to create new sports surfaces., such as baseball courts, tracks, and soccer fields. To date 28 million pairs of shoes have gone into the shredder, producing 632 million square feet.

Another clothing recycling option is resale. Items can be resold or traded through resale or consignment shops.

Also check local churches with homeless outreach programs and abuse victims.

Clothing donated or resold to any source should be clean.

Check the H & M store. Some locations will take bags of used clothing or household textiles in exchange for a voucher that can be used on a purchase at H & M store locations.

A house party clothing swap with friends is another budget-friendly idea for restocking your cleaned out closet. A do-it-yourself website, such as can help get you started with ideas for planning and hosting this kind of party.

Torn pieces of fabric can be repurposed for quilting. Or, pieces can be re-sewn into coasters, pot holders, or purses.

Give your clothing a new use. Don’t throw it away. REUSE RECYCLE REPURPOSE it. And remember to celebrate Earth Day every day.